Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Philosophy: Teleology: An Absurd Philosophy

If closely examine the general principle of Teleology, the philosophy which asserts that all things have a 'purpose', its not hard to conclude that this philosophy is shrouded in 'dreams of perfection' and absurdity.

I think we must first ask ourselves: What is a goal? The idea of a goal presupposes that someone has set this goal thus someone is fully aware of this goal, someone has set it consciously. It is impossible for something to be a purpose if someone hasn't made it a purpose. Lets take an example: A rock on a beach. Now, does this rock set itself goals? Obviously not. Only a madman may ask the purpose pursued by a rock lying on a beach. Now this may start to sound rather funny and amusing to the reader, but amazed as you may be, there are people who still believe in this outlandish and extinct philosophy which really contributes nothing to the help of mankind and our understanding of things.

The idea of a purpose can only exist in a conscious, living being full of wishes and desires. Living beings in turn set goals for themselves and aspire to achieve them and begin by approaching these goals. Referring back to the rock example, the madman give nature a soul and in turn give the rock a soul. This means that Teleology is dominating his mind, and the stone begins to take on the manner of a human being. What i'm really trying to point out is that the madman is your everyday Teleologist, the advocates of Teleology are in the same mindset of that of the madman because they believe that all things in the world have a purpose, the purpose being created by some divine creature or some unknown being.

All we need to do now is take the "purpose" of things and bring God into the equation with his "plan". I think we should take time to delve into religious explanations. Lets assume that I have came up with a theory that will explain the universe. I say the universe is made up of a infinite number of angry green goblins. Their motion and anger create all phenomena in nature. Furthermore, I mention that these angry green goblins are invisible and inaudible, they cannot be detected by smell and can't be caught by their tails. I challenge anyone to refute this "theory". You see, it is actually impossible to refute this theory for I have surrounded it by assuming the invisibility and intangibility of these angry green goblins, yet, everyone will know that this "theory" is absurd and wrong for the very simple fact that it cannot be proven correct.

This is the basic nature of all pseudo-religious explanations. They are built upon the intangibility of unknown powers, or the fact that we can't comprehend because our "reasoning" is not yet as powerful as that of the explanation.

But that can be dealt with later when we are considering religious explanations.

Teleology tries to act superior to religion, the "perfecting" Teleologists had to come up with a way to more "perfect" their philosophy. They knew that they would have to add an element of science to make their absurd philosophy sound much more 'smarterer'. And so they preach "No! We reject any ideas of mysterious powers! Goals are inherent in the process of EVOLUTION!"
Let me elaborate on some examples. Certain animals in the course of time due to a number of causes, alter and adapt themselves to nature. Its organs are being perfected (progressing). Or let us take human society. Regardless of where we think human society is going to go (socialism or any other form of society), is man becoming more 'cultivated' or 'perfected' and that we masters of all that is created in the world are entrenching on a journey down the road of progress? Just like the animal is adapting to nature, so also is society becoming more perfected in its structure. Here, perfection is advancing through an evolutionary process. Its not designed by an unknown/divine power, but advancing through a certain number of causes.


We must oppose the idea of goals being set by nothing or no one. This practically amounts to another example of, for instance, thoughts without a thinking means, or speaking of wind when there is no air, or feeling dampness when there is no fluid. Again, similar with the pseudo-religious explanations, the teleological 'purposes' are 'inherent' in something, the teleologists are using the strategic tactic of the purpose being a delicate and inscrutable force. Isn't this the same concept as God? God is represented as grey-haired old man with a beard, but here on Earth, he is invisible and "inside" everything.

In conclusion, i am going to end all the pseudo-scientific add ons in Teleology with a little scientific word equation: Teleology (the doctrine of purpose) leads straight into Theology (the doctrine of God).

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